The Redstone Ecosystem

Welcome to Redstone!

You might be wondering “WTF is Redstone”, “am I too early?” and something along the lines of “Why should I care?”

What is Redstone?

Redstone is an Optimistic Rollup using the OP Stack codebase on the Ethereum blockchain.

It primarily offers cheaper transactions by inheriting security features from Ethereum’s mainnet (L1), making it suitable for applications like games where L1 costs are prohibitive.

Unlike other rollups, Redstone employs a Plasma mode for data availability, only posting input commitments (hashed transaction data) to L1 and making full data available offchain.

This method reduces costs but does not carry Ethereum L1’s data availability guarantee, though it maintains data integrity.

Why should you care?

Redstone just launched on May 1st 2024, which means you could not be anymore early, AND THIS IS AWESOME!

Being this early, means that you.. Yes YOU, are able build and interact with Redstone from the beginning.

Since Redstone only just launched, that means there is a huge vacuum and need for dApps to be deployed.

The ecosystem right now, is mainly from the testnet days, which most are starting to deploy onto the mainnet now.

You can find more details on the Redstone Community site.

The current Redstone ecosystem

Like we said, the current ecosystem is tiny, and there is plenty of room for growth, as new users crave new dApps to interact with.

Most of the current on-chain activities, are focused on gaming related projects.
(Actual games, not brainless gambling with your standard casino dApps)

But a few other “critical infrastructure” projects are starting to pop up.

On-Chain Games

Several games are already available on Redstone, as most of these games were developed on the testnet and was launched alongside the Redstone mainnet.

New games are launching soon – Below is our favorites and those we look forward to!

Sky Strife – F2P RTS Game

A free-to-play, fully onchain RTS featuring fast-paced gameplay.

Fight for control of floating islands by capturing mines, building your army, and destroying your opponents’ castles — then get rewarded with Orbs for being the victor.

Sky Strife is built using MUD and is completely open-source.

It welcomes developers from all over to contribute, build plugins, and make the game their own.

Biomes – A Minecraft-like game

An onchain Minecraft-like sandbox. Mine & build. Craft weapons, chests, and other special blocks. Hit other players & pick up their drops.


Help a super intelligent AI rebuild after an unfortunate accident.

The world’s first Post Singularity Civilisation Simulator.

Financial dApps

If you already bridged some ETH to Redstone, you might wanna swap it into something else.

To do this, head over to and do your business.

Liquidity is very low on Redstone, but as more users start to onboard, the liquidity should also start to grow.

You can follow RedSwap on X, to follow their very active development on Redstone.

NFTs & Markets

There is currently only 1 known NFT marketplace on Redstone, which is called Redstone.Market.

On there, you can find new and interesting NFT collections, some of which has a utility, and others simply being meme NFTs.

We hope to see more NFT marketplaces on Redstone in the near future!

Who to watch closely

As of writing this, Redstone is barely 3 days old, so it’s hard to figure out where to get updates regarding the L2 applications being launched.

But we would highly recommend that you follow these accounts, and join the official redstone discord server.


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  • The Redstone Ecosystem
    The Redstone Ecosystem

    Welcome to Redstone! You might be wondering “WTF is Redstone”, “am I too early?” and something along the lines of “Why should I care?” What is Redstone? Redstone is an Optimistic Rollup using the OP Stack codebase on the Ethereum blockchain. It primarily offers cheaper transactions by inheriting security features from Ethereum’s mainnet (L1), making…